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Kreativscheune Heimathof: Kurse und Workshops

Try forging yourself

Taster course for groups, vocational students, clubs, colleagues, friends or family from 2 persons, from 12 years
€22,00 per person plus material costs

Courses in traditional crafts (availability on request)

For example:
Weaving on a table weaving frame
Wool, spinning or felting
Weaving baskets

Children's sewing course

Would you like to learn how to sew with a sewing machine? Then sign up with us!

Who: Children from 8 to 10 years
Next course start: 7.9.2023
When: Thursdays every two weeks from 4-6 p.m.
Location: Museum grounds, Heimathof
Course fee: €10,00 per course afternoon (for material)
Course leader: Sindy Geißhirt
Suitable for beginners? yes
Material: will be provided
Information & Registration:
Metal Handicraft Museum Steinbach-Hallenberg
Contact: Phone 036847 40540 or e-mail:

Vacation program

During the Thuringian school vacations, we regularly offer creative, culinary or historical hands-on courses: We teach basic techniques of historical crafts, forge hot irons, discover the museum, fight like the old knights, cook or play like in former times, listen to stories and try out new things - and have a lot of fun together!

If you make your own products, you can take them home afterwards.


Time: Tuesdays & Thursdays, but sometimes also on other days (see program)
Duration: 2 hours
Material: is available
Cost: €3,50 per child
Age: depending on the program, usually elementary school age
Number of persons: depending on the program 6-10 children
Location: Museum grounds, Heimathof
Current vacation program: 
Next vacation dates:
Summer vacations 2023: 10.7. - 19.8.2023
Autumn vacations 2023: 2. - 14.10.2023
Winter vacations 2024: 12. - 16.2.2024
Easter vacations 2024: 25.3. - 6.4.2024
Summer vacations 2024: 20.6. - 31.7.2024
Autumn vacations 2024: 30.9. - 12.10.2024