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House rules


Dear visitors 

We would like to welcome you to the Steinbach-Hallenberg Metalworking Museum and wish you a pleasant stay. At the beginning of your visit we would like to familiarize you with the house rules. 



The house rules are intended to make your visit to our Metal Handicrafts Museum as pleasant as possible. The house rules are binding for all visitors. By entering the museum grounds, you accept our regulations as well as all other orders made to maintain operational safety.


1. general information

  • Stairways, passageways and escape routes must be kept clear for safety reasons

  • The consumption of drugs is prohibited on the entire museum premises. In case of violation, the museum staff is entitled to issue an immediate ban from the premises and an expulsion order.

  • Spending the night on the premises of the museum is prohibited


2. behavior in the exhibition rooms

  • Please behave in the exhibition rooms in such a way that other visitors are not obstructed or inconvenienced.

  • Visitors are liable for any damage caused by them. In the event of damage to works of art, the museum staff is entitled to take down the personal details of the person who caused the damage

  • the instructions of the museum staff must be followed

  • Parents, legal guardians and group leaders are responsible for the appropriate behavior of children and young people in their company.

  • Eating and drinking is not permitted in the exhibition rooms

  • Smoking is generally prohibited on the museum premises

  • The seating provided should not be removed from their designated locations


3. filming and photographing

  • Photography and filming in the rooms of the permanent exhibition is generally permitted for private purposes only. All photography, filming and sound recordings that are not exclusively for private use require prior written permission from the museum director.


4. animals

  • Animals may not be brought into the exhibition rooms of the museum, with the exception of disabled assistance dogs. Owners are liable for their animals.