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Permanent exhibition

The new permanent exhibition of the Museum of Metal Crafts is divided into two parts. The first part of the exhibition is dedicated to the local history, way of life and customs of the inhabitants of the Haseltal. In the search for a unifying and typical element, the dialect was found, which accompanies the visitor through all the rooms.


Neue Dauerausstellung

Neue Dauerausstellung

Neue Dauerausstellung


The second part of the exhibition is about the rural sideline, about agriculture and forestry. The visitors not only get an insight into the history of settlement, the possibilities of food preservation and cattle breeding, but they can also enter the "good room", the well-farmed kitchen and the floor chamber in a cabinet-like way, in order to be able to feel the life in those days.


Taken as a whole, this exhibition has succeeded in bringing our history to life and taking the visitor on an exciting journey back in time.


Neue Dauerausstellung

Neue Dauerausstellung

Neue Dauerausstellung